One of the first agencies made on Habbo, and extremly known to anyone who play Habbo, not only the English Hotel, but also all hotels around the world, having nearly 100K members, SWAT remains one of the best organisation on Habbo having a strong structure and culture deepening the roots through past years. Founded by Jmmey321 who maintained a continuous development for the sake of the community and the players, the hard work paid off when the agency was a centre of attraction rather than public rooms and events, players are able to join and becoming members after going through training, with a uniform, motto and a badge to wear once you're at "work" the members gain many things, as having fun doing RPG, making friends, killing boredom, promotions to get higher ranks within the organisation and getting paid!

The hard work of founders, moderators, bods and everyone of SWAT members continued innovating in order to make things maintained, safe and more enjoyable to everyone, making new rules, starting games and events, creating a website, online radios, Weekly staff for entertainment, affair and media team... Love and respect was a major key of success, in fact, main factor that the "reason" of SWAT still remains after many crisis; 2-3 times place was trashed by traitors within organisation, massive troll and spam phenomenon, major decision-making risks... But founders gone through all of that and kept everything under control in a cool way.
2013, is considered as the golden age of SWAT, without doubt, the room was populated to the max the whole week, morning, noun, evening, midnight at anytime! Many major figures of SWAT; must say "symbolic" were present and active, it is true that "inside" was veeery corrupted compared to current state, many things were unfair, but still the charm of SWAT was there, and everyone were aware of it and very proud of what they achieved, big names whom still remains on everyone's brain, never leaves, SWAT was a Habbo itself, a community a world!