Corp was actually a secret organisation that I joined in the end of
2004, It wasn't known at all, well, the name is, but the activities were
widely known by everyone or at least majority.
*White-nazis-racist group.
*Raids on guest rooms.
*Anti-Black/white spaming.
*sexual harassement...etc.
group had one single goal, it's obvious of course, TROLLING! because at
that time safety was primary shit that mods were trying to maintain,
they banned every suspicious account, so the group was aware of that,
the founder (I won't reveal) made a forum where the members meet and
discuss the upcoming "projects" to terrorise people, well planned, like
time, place to gather, new created accounts names, what to do...
Everything gone according to the plans, by 2005, as I remember we were
more than 30 persons! our style was under spiky hair, and old school
polo shirts (as my banned account MTG still wearing), we had many
projects were done in the public rooms:
I personally don't know the benefit from what he have done, before knowing and joining T.R.O.L.L Corp
I was wandering alone and trolling, I had fun by doing so, IDK why I
taught it was stupid to spend your time and money on virtual shit...
Anyway, somehow founder's main account was banned maybe because of IP or
whatever, he had many furnis he was very pissed and quit Habbo for
good, losing one after an other only 8 of us remained, so we formed a
new room "Basement" where was our place we gather, have
our private chat, curse, swear do whatever we want without being
spotted, and yeah we kept our business eve in fewer numbers, we joined
many other small troll groups time to time, it was quite hilarious, but
cost me 3 banned accounts, couple years passed, and everyone disapeared,
again I gone wandering doing my Habbo Life like neither T.R.O.L.L Corp or the Gang of Basement was
there, but I was checking the basement time to time, after my last
account was banned I deserted Habbo in 2007, until I was back by late
2012, the old rooms were removed or something, I couldn't even remember
the others usernames of my friends, I created a new one and started
fresh, made a new-look-a-like Basement in order to attract my former
colleagues and friends, getting new ones, secretly, it somehow working
but not like old times...